between our EZE-Panel and handcrafted Pep-Panel
We listed below the reason/differences in six stages why of choosing an EZE-Panel-made log home versus a traditionally crafted log home.
Traditional Loghome builders
- A diverse array of stunning aesthetic building options become limited.
- Design flexibility options such as multiple elevations and multiple corners become challenging due to right-angle limitations and log extensions.
- Access to natural lighting becomes limited (not conducive to placing windows near corners and installing corner windows).
- Log extensions are vulnerable to the weather while constraining the deck design and flow with outdoor living areas.
EZE-Panel builders
Precision Pre-Built panels are highly adaptable to creative design:
- diverse Angles
- multiple corners
- unrestricted glazing
- multiple elevations
become possible when creating your log home with Eze-Panels.
Traditional Loghome builders
- Skilled and trained labourers who consistently deliver high-quality craftsmanship are hard to find.
- Building requires a labour-intensive process to achieve the quality levels and tolerances needed to make your log home last.
- Traditional methods require costly long logs that are increasingly difficult to source.
EZE-Panel builders
- Our advanced robots can work day and night at an unparalleled level of consistency.
- We effortlessly achieve the quality levels that our craftsmen demand and exceed the finest tolerances of a well-crafted log home.
- We primarily use shorter logs that cost less and are easier to find.
Traditional Loghome builders
When crafting traditional log homes, labourers must take into consideration the time-consuming process of settling from 5" and up to 10" depending on the moisture content of the logs, the log species and the roof load of the finished structure.
EZE-Panel builders
The Eze-Panel is a non-settling system which allows your contractor to finish your home in a fraction of the time without the expertise required to complete a scribed or settling log structure successfully.
Traditional Loghome builders
approx. 20% of finishing costs in a traditionally built log home are associated with the settling process of logs:
- Doors and windows
- Roofing
- Screw-jacks
- Kitchen cabinets
- Interior walls
- Plumbing
- Wiring
EZE-Panel builders
The non-settling Eze-panels provide a more cost-efficient, faster way to finish your log home, allowing you to install design specifications in a fraction of the time compared to traditional methods.
Traditional Loghome builders
- Screw Jack adjustments
- Re-staining when neccessary
- Caulk or chink where necessary
- Multiple adjust trim-boards over doors and windows and interior walls once building has settled.
EZE-Panel builders
Your EZE-Panel log home only needs re-staining when necessary and minimal chink-line touch-ups if/where necessary, so you can spend less time worrying about maintenance and more time enjoying your beautiful rustic ambience.
Traditional Loghome builders
Enjoy living in a beautiful, well-crafted structure featuring large-diameter natural logs with all of the character, beauty and appeal of a well-built hand-crafted log home.
EZE-Panel builders
Feel instantly at home in a beautiful, well-crafted structure featuring large-diameter natural logs with all of the character, beauty and appeal of a well-built hand-crafted log home only faster, easier and more cost-effective!